Who is Krajan?
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01. Who is Krajan?


Ever wonder what makes a story memorable? Why certain stories linger in our minds?
And how these specific stories become important to us? Now ask yourself:
what would happen if your story was told in a way that others would remember it?

Hi, and welcome! I'm Martin, Martin Krajewski, also known as 'Krajan'. I am a Storyteller. A storyteller who acts as a strategic advisor for big and small businesses, most likely someone like you, helping them create and tell the stories they need to drive business, build trust and to actually show that they 'walk the talk'. I'm also a storyteller who like to roll up my sleves and get my hands dirty by making those stories come true as a director and producer. Together with Strategic Producer Anna Mourou, I form one part of the One Stop Shop Creative Collective 'Maybe We Could Be A Thing'.

That's the short introduction you need as a framework on who I am to keep on reading. And if you do, I'll give you both a why, a how and a what. In terms of what I can do for you. I'll also dangle a little 'what if?' infront of you.
All good stories must have a beginning, and this, well, this could be ours...

02. Who is Krajan?

Telling memorable stories

Fade from black. And lets meet the hero. He, or she, is introduced. A likable character, but facing an obstacle or a challenge. Often connected to some kind of necessary personal insight and growth. Something we want him, or her, to overcome and learn. Something we, as an audience understand, but our hero hasn’t fully understod the importance of just yet, perhaps only feels it. Like an itch.

We see them try, we see them fail. We see them learn from their mistakes and get back up again. We feel for them. And through this perseverance, through this struggle, they finally transcend and become reborn. Perhaps a bit dramatically expressed, but you get the point. They now walk the talk. Big smiles, tears of joy. Curtains. Applause.

Later you talk about the good feeling the story gave you. And you remember it.

- Was it good?
- Yes! I highly recommend it!

Now ask yourself what would happen if your story was told in a way that others would remember it? And recommend it.

03. Who is Krajan?

Crafting memorable stories

But memorable stories aren't just made up. They are crafted.

In a world cluttered with content, big words and bold values, we all crave genuine connections and authenticity. People are actively avoiding and scrolling past ads and they rarely trust what they see. So what is it worth to you - speaking about sustainability, change, transformation, good and solid values, inclusiveness and trust - if you don’t follow it up, actually showing what those values stand for and what they really mean. Besides for being just bold words. What is your product worth... if you don't show something... more? It becomes just another piece of content floating in the ether. But, a well-told story can break through the noise and create real connections. Those are the stories that stay in our mind.

You are here because something is bothering you. Something could be done better. It might just be a feeling, but a feeling that something needs to be done. Something is lost in translation. Something in your communication could work better. On the surface you might seem ok, but deep down in your shoe, your sock is sliding off. Simply put, you have an itch. I am here to make it go away - or to scratch it even more.

04. Who is krajan?

Creating value

There's an undeniable, almost sweet relief in the act of scratching an itch. The act itself momentarily draws us completely into the present, making us acutely aware of our body and its immediate needs. Just thinking about it makes the itch stronger, and ignoring it doesn’t make it go away. The itch needs to be adressed. And scratching it feels so good. Like a whisper of release across the nerve endings and a small, personal moment of euphoria, where the annoyance of the itch meets the satisfaction of its alleviation. Problem solved. Even if your mom told you not to do it. It’s a very human thing to do. And I believe in telling stories that derive from humans. For humans.

I believe in people and that their stories can help transfer knowledge, inspire and build bridges that strengthens understanding, connect with others, show passion and drive business. For real. I also not only believe, but know, that when you combine these ingredients, humanity, passion, knowledge, insights, challenges and solutions, it makes for a great story. And a great story adds meaning to your communication - and that meaning creates value.

I find my meaning in telling stories. I adopt a coaching approach to first understand you, your needs, your passion, and your goals. Then, I identify stories and possibilities, and suggest strategies to communicate those stories — stories that I bring to life through my extensive experience as a director and filmmaker. This is my passion. What's yours?

05. Who is Krajan?

The end and the beginning

There. I'm done with my online presentation. Curtains. Applause. End of story. But I think, for you and me, it is just the beginning.
But like all beginnings, it starts with a meeting, of likable characters and of challenges to overcome - and possibilites to grow! Book a discovery call with me and let's start a conversation. Tell me about your passion. And your itch. I'll make an unforgettable story about it. And maybe... We could be a thing.

06. Selected Works

The many faces of

07. Get in touch

"Yes! I want to share my passion!"
Book a discovery call with Krajan


Mostly found in Stockholm, Sweden.


+46 708 601 627